شرکت تابش پرداز پگاه (دانش بنیان )

تست های غیر مخرب, منیپولیتور, گریپر


?Is electromagnetic Radiation really that dangerous

برای بزرگنمایی روی تصویر کلیک کنید

 let’s establish some awareness about some specific dangers that may be around you. The World Health Organization notes that low frequency and high frequency electromagnetic waves affect the human body in different ways.

Cell Phones

Have you ever noticed your cell phone getting really hot when you are driving your car? When your phone is in high use, including when you’re using a GPS location finder or talking while your car is moving, your phone is doing a lot of working to keep up. The harder it has to work, the more cell-damaging microwaves it is putting out into the atmosphere, right near your body.

If you think this doesn’t affect you, think again. Researchers conducted two separate studies, one on a  38-year-old vegetarian woman and another focusing on a healthy 21-year-old woman. Both carried cell phones in their bras for a number of years. What do you think happened? You guessed it; an aggressive breast cancer developed in the exact spot where the cell phone was carried. Now, I think it is fair to point out that the Susan B. Komen website lists cell phones as one of the factors that DO NOT cause breast cancer. But, since we do not have enough research at this point, carrying cell phones on the body is probably not the best choice. (5, 6)

Microwave Oven

The World Health Organization reports that microwaves are high frequency radio waves that are “part of the electromagnetic spectrum” much like light — visible radiation. Microwaves ovens are typically designed so that the microwaves are only produced when the oven is on and the door is shut; however, older, less-cared-for microwave ovens could seep, so checking to make sure it is in good condition can be helpful. This is important since the energy created by microwaves can be absorbed by the body and caused free radicals to form in tissues. However, this thermal damage requires long exposures at high power levels, “well in excess of those measured around microwave ovens,” WHO notes.  

What about the microwaves and how it affects the food that is being cooked? Harvard Health Publications noted that the best way to preserve nutrients is by using a cooking method that is shorter. So basically, the less amount of time needed to cook a food, the more nutrients it will retain. This claim states that microwaved cooked food is fine, though more research is needed. (7, 8, 9 ) I personally don’t opt for microwaved food.


What about Wi-Fi? A relatively newer technology, some organizations deem it safe while others say it’s posing a public health threat. Technically, Wi-Fi works in the range of 2.4 GHz frequency, the same as a microwave oven. So as noted above, it may require a lot of exposure to yield negative results.

On the flip side, Environmental Health Trust warns of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation, saying it contributes to a person’s toxic body burden. The organization points to research showing that that the protective barrier of the brain — the blood-brain barrier — is compromised due to wireless electromagnetic radiation. Several studies suggest wireless radiation pokes holes in this protective barrier, causing more toxic compounds to reach the brain)

Doctors and organizations have also voiced concerns over Wi-Fi technologies in schools, where students and teachers often experience heavy electromagnetic radiation exposure throughout the entire day. Stephen Sinatra, MD, an integrative metabolic cardiologist and co-founder of Doctors for Safer Schools, says the heart is sensitive too and can be adversely affected by the same frequency used for Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz) at levels a fraction of federal guidelines (less than 1 percent) and at levels that have been recorded in schools with Wi-Fi technology.

Dr. Sinatra says children in high-tech classrooms have complained of the following symptoms:

  • dizziness
  • racing heart or irregular heartbeat
  • weakness
  • anxiety
  • fatigue
  • feeling faint
  • difficulty concentrating
  • chest pain or pressure )

Power Lines

When it comes to power lines, the American Cancer Society states that the levels of electromagnetic radiation greatly lowers as you move further away from the lines. The strength of the lines are highest when you are underneath them, but usually it’s the same frequency as some appliances in your home. If a power line is positioned across home and you are concerned, you can measure its strength using a gaussmeter. If you are not happy with what you find, you can move or ask the power company to bury the lines, though underground lines may not make a difference.

Regardless of the source, it may not be as much of a problem as you think, but it is definitely best to take precautions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that various frequencies are regulated. For example, EMFs from “cell phones, power lines, smart meters and other wireless devices is regulated by a combination of other state and federal agencies.)


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شرکت تابش پرداز پگاه (دانش بنیان )


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