محیط کشت   potato  dextrose agar  Quelqb
  • محیط کشت   potato  dextrose agar  Quelqb
  • محیط کشت   potato  dextrose agar  Quelqb
  • محیط کشت   potato  dextrose agar  Quelqb

محیط کشت potato dextrose agar Quelqb

محیط کشت potato dextrose agar کمپانی QUE -LAB 500GR potato dextrose agar 100 gr que lab


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توضیحات محصول

 محیط کشت  potato dextrose agar کمپانی  QUE -LAB     500GR
potato dextrose agar 100 gr    que labانواع محیط کشت در اندازهای 100 و 500 گرمی  محصول کمپانی QUELAB

Potato dextrose agar  and potato dextrose broth are common microbiological growth media made from potato infusion and dextrose. Potato dextrose agar (abbreviated "PDA") is the most widely used medium for growing fungi and bacteria.PDA has the capability to culture various bacteria and fungi found in the soil. This agar can be used with antibiotics or acid to inhibit bacterial/fungal growth. PDA is used in the food industry to test for fungi that can spoil food products. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry to screen for potential antifungal agents in medications.[Potato dextrose agar is a versatile growing medium for bacteria and fungi (yeasts and molds). This agar is used for a broad range of fungi but there are other agars that are more selective for specific types of fungi. These agars include but are not limited to malt extract agar and sabouraud agar. Malt extract agar is more acidic than PDA and is commonly used to cultivate penicillium speciesپ Sabouraud agar is also slightly acid with pH of 5.6-6.0 which is similar to PDA. It is most often used for the isolation of pathogenic fungi such as dermatophytes.

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