محصولات شرکت KRAIS ساخت کشور هلند
شرکت آفاق تجهیزات آزمایش در بخش تجهیزات آزمایشات غیر مخرب (NDT) با در اختیار داشتن امکانات فنی و پرسنل متخصص و مجرب، نسبت به ارائه ملزومات و تجهیزات صنایع مختلف کشور اعم از : نفت، گاز، پتروشیمی، پالایشگاهی، نیروگاهی خطوط لوله نسبت به تامین تجهیزات KRAISهلند اقدام نموده جهت دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر به سایت http://afaghndt.com مراجعه نمائید
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دستگاه التراسونیک NDT، تجهیزات sonatest، تجهیزات gilardony، تجهیزات ELCOMETER، تجهیزات SONEL ، تجهیزات GRANT، تجهیزات FLIR، تجهیزات DEFELESKO، تجهیزات EXTECH، تجهیزات MARKTECK، تجهیزات Proceq، تجهیزات KRAIS، تجهیزات OXFORD، تجهیزات SINOWON، تجهیزات FANN، تجهیزاتSENTINELNDT
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توضیحات محصول
KRAIS Tube Expanders
KRAIS Tube Expanders is a company with over 20 years of experience in delivering top quality tube expanders and wide range of other tube accessories. We constantly learn new ways to deliver the best designed and manufactured tools to our clients all over the word.
All of our tools are designed and manufactured by our engineers in UE. We have a keen eye on every detail of our products. Whole process is under our control – from sketch on paper to producing and testing every tool. Every tool goes through strict quality tests. This make us sure, that every tool will be safe and dependable. We always look for opportunity to make our products better and better, so we are constantly searching a new ways to improve and develop our products.
KRAIS Tube Expanders company still grows. We always look for a new opportunity to develop. Our machinery and production line is one of the biggest and most modern in the region. We closely work with various courier services to be sure, that our clients get their tools on time. It is crucial for us, because many companies in over one hundred countries counts on our services.